Biblio Entry Summary for Yirrkala misolensis
Citation Ho, H.-C., D.G. Smith, J.E. McCosker, Y. Hibino, K.-H. Loh, K.A. Tighe and K.-T. Shao, 2015, Annotated checklist of eels (orders Anguilliformes and Saccopharyngiformes) from Taiwan.. Zootaxa 4060(1):140-189.
Ref. 106112 Ho, H.-C., D.G. Smith, J.E. McCosker, Y. Hibino, K.-H. Loh, K.A. Tighe and K.-T. Shao, 2015
Page 177
Named Used as Valid Yirrkala misolensis
Distribution Taiwan (including Kaohsiung (this study) and Ping-tung).
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