Biblio Entry Summary for Chrysiptera ellenae
Citation Allen, G.R., M.V. Erdmann and N.K.D. Cahyani, 2015, Review of the Chrysiptera oxycephala complex of damselfishes (Pomacentridae) with descriptions of three new species from the East Indian Archipelago.. J. Ocean Sci. Found. 17:56-84.
Ref. 106687 Allen, G.R., M.V. Erdmann and N.K.D. Cahyani, 2015
Page 60;fig.2-4;tab.1-2,5
Named Used as Valid Chrysiptera ellenae
Locality Indonesia, West Papua Prov., Raja Ampat Is., MZB 22771.
Distribution Western Pacific: Indonesia (West Papua Prov., Raja Ampat Is.); 4-12 m.
Quote It is common in sheltered waters around the main islands and also in the lagoon at Ayau Atoll, about 45 km northeast of the archipelago.
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