Biblio Entry Summary for Pseudanthias tequila
Citation Gill, A.C., Y.-K. Tea and H. Senou, 2017, Pseudanthias tequila, a new species of anthiadine serranid from the Ogasawara and Mariana Islands.. Zootaxa 4341(1):67-76.
Ref. 118105 Gill, A.C., Y.-K. Tea and H. Senou, 2017
Page 68;fig.1-7;tab.1
Named Used as Valid Pseudanthias tequila
Locality Japan, Ogasawara Islands, Chichi-jima Islands, Ototo-jima Island, KPM-NI 3759.
Distribution Western Pacific: Ogasawara Is., Japan, Mariana Is. (Guam, Saipan and Tinian); 40-60 m.
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