Biblio Entry Summary for Aetobatus narinari
引用出處 Uchida, S., M. Toda and Y. Kamei, 1990, Reproduction of elasmobranchs in captivity.. p. 211-237. In H.L. Pratt, Jr., S.H. Gruber and T. Taniuchi (eds.) Elasmobranchs as living resources: advances in biology, ecology, systematics and status of the fisheries. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 90.
參考文獻 51119 Uchida, S., M. Toda and Y. Kamei, 1990
Named Used as Valid Aetobatus narinari
附註 Cited in Ref. 49562. Not actually seen. Valid name used similar to citing reference.
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