Biblio Entry Summary for Ambophthalmos angustus
Citation Jackson, K.L. and J.S. Nelson, 1998, Ambophthalmos, a new genus for "Neophrynichthys" angustus and "Neophrynichthys" magnicirus, and the systematic interrelationships of the fathead sculpins (Cottoidei, Psychrolutidae).. Can. J. Zool. 76:1344-1357.
Ref. 76761 Jackson, K.L. and J.S. Nelson, 1998
Page 1356
Named Used as Valid Ambophthalmos angustus
Distribution New Zealand coastal waters, Chatham Rise (east of South Island at 44°S), Bounty Platform (48°S, 180°E), Campbell Rise (52°S, 170°E), and Auckland Island Shelf (50°S, 167°E);
Quote Presumed records collected by the Japanese trawler RV Kaiyo Maru (Nelson 1977) include Pukaki Rise (49°S, 173°E) and Antipodes Islands (approximately 50°S, 179°E).
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