Biblio Entry Summary for Mesonauta mirificus
Citation Kullander, S.O. and A.M.C. Silfvergrip, 1991, Review af the South American cichlid genus Mesonauta Gunther (Teleostei, Cichlidae) with descriptions af two new species.. Revue suisse Zoo!. 98(2):407-448.
Ref. 86444 Kullander, S.O. and A.M.C. Silfvergrip, 1991
Page 430;fig.1F,2,5,10,22-23;
Named Used as Valid Mesonauta mirificus
Locality Peru, Departamento Loreto, Rio Napo, Cayapoza, small laguna on left bank island, NRM 20001.
Distribution Collected only in Peru and adjacent Colombia: from Yarina Cocha on the middle Rio Ucayali down to Isla Mocagua little upstream of Leticia on the Rio Amazonas.
Quote Tables 1,10.
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