Biblio Entry Summary for Gephyroberyx darwinii
Citation Kim, B.-J., Y.-B. Go and H. Imamura, 2004, First record of the trachichthyid fish, Gephyroberyx darwinii (Teleostei: Beryciformes) from Korea.. Korean Journal of Ichthyology 16(1):9-12.
Ref. 86915 Kim, B.-J., Y.-B. Go and H. Imamura, 2004
Page 9;fig.1;tab.1
Named Used as Valid Gephyroberyx darwinii
Distribution Northwestern Atlantic (southern Scotian Shelf to W Caribbean, Panama, n. Gulf of Mexico); Northeastern Atlantic (Madeira to Cape Verde); South Atlantic (Gulf of Guinea, along the coast of South Africa); E and W Mediterranean; Indian Ocean (off Natal and
Quote Bay of Bengal); Pacific Ocean (s. Australia, Philippines, Japan, Korea).
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