Biblio Entry Summary for Cephalopholis sexmaculata
Trích dẫn Craig, M.T., YJ. Sadovy de Mitcheson and P.C. Heemstra, 2011, Groupers of the world: a field and market guide.. North America: CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group. 356 p.
Tài liệu tham khảo 89707 Craig, M.T., YJ. Sadovy de Mitcheson and P.C. Heemstra, 2011
Trang 50
Named Used as Valid Cephalopholis sexmaculata
Bình luận Habitat:
Địa phương
Sự phân bố Indo-Pacific: Red Sea to South Africa, and eastward to Tahiti; Arafura Sea and Yemen; Gulf of Oman, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka (unsubstained)
Quote Reef-associated, inhabiting depths of 6-150 m
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