List of Common Names with bello

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Language Country Species Type
Bellotti's goby English Global Gobius ater FAO
Crested bellowfish English Global Notopogon lilliei FAO
Gobie de Bellotti French Global Gobius ater FAO
Longspine bellowfish English Global Notopogon xenosoma FAO
Orange bellowfish English Global Notopogon fernandezianus FAO
Bellona flounder English Global Engyprosopon bellonaense FAO old
Longspine bellowfish English Global Notopogon macrosolen FAO old
Banded bellowsfish English Australia Centriscops humerosus Vernacular
Common bellowsfish English Australia Macroramphosus scolopax Vernacular
Crested bellowfish English Australia Notopogon lilliei Vernacular
Crested bellowsfish English Australia Notopogon lilliei Vernacular
Endeavour bellowsfish English Australia Notopogon lilliei Vernacular
Little bellowsfish English Australia Macroramphosus gracilis Vernacular
Monte Bello seahorse English Australia Hippocampus montebelloensis Vernacular
Orange bellowsfish English Australia Notopogon xenosoma Vernacular
Bellotijev glavoč Croatian Croatia Gobius ater Vernacular
Bellowfish English Cuba Macroramphosus scolopax Vernacular
Štíhlohlavec bellottův Czech Czechia Nettenchelys bellottii vernacular
Bellotti mudil Estonian Estonia Gobius ater Vernacular
Harilik saabellõug Estonian Estonia Xenocephalus elongatus Vernacular
Bellotti's goby English France Gobius ater Vernacular
Gobie de Bellotti French France Gobius ater Vernacular
Bellottia German Germany Bellottia apoda Vernacular
Bellotti-Grundel German Germany Gobius ater Vernacular
Bellotti-Rotbrasse German Germany Pagellus bellottii Vernacular
Corbello Italian Italy Umbrina cirrosa Vernacular
Corbello Italian Italy Sciaena umbra Vernacular
Gobide di Bellotti Italian Italy Gobius ater Vernacular
Occhiobello Italian Italy Chelidonichthys cuculus Vernacular
Occhiobello di fora Italian Italy Eutrigla gurnardus Vernacular
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12