Common name | Barbel flyingfish |
Language | English |
Type | FAO old |
Official trade name | No |
Rank | 4 - (Less common name) |
Country | Global |
Locality | |
Ref. | Sommer, C., W. Schneider and J.-M. Poutiers, 1996 |
Life stage | juveniles and adults |
Sex | females and males |
Core | behavior |
1st modifier | morphology |
2nd modifier | |
Remarks | 'barbel', from Latin 'barba', i.e., beard, via Old French 'barbe'; refers to the sensitive whisker-like projections round the mouth (Ref. 11979). Flyingfishes are well known for their ability to leap clear of the sea surface and glide long distances using their fins as wings (Ref. 5288). Name not listed in ASFIS version 2006 (Ref. 56807). |