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The type locality located at 615 meters a.s.l.; locality is a small, clear water stream 2-3 m wide, 0.5-2 m deep, with preserved riparian vegetation, swift current, and bottom composed of sand and dead leaves; the cascata Uirapuru (14°25'02" S 59°27'16" W) is formed by two separate falls and M. uirapuru was collected only immediately upstream of the falls; other species collected syntopically were Hoplias aimara, Aequidens cf. rondoni, Hyphessobrycon cyanotaenia, Megalechis thoracata and an additional undescribed species of Moenkhausia; a single M. uirapuru specimen was collected syntopically with M. rubra near the town of Comodoro in a small, clear water stream 1-1.5 m wide and 0.3-1 m deep, with swift current and sandy bottom; analysis of the stomach contents revealed the presence of ants, a dragonfly, a beetle, a spider, Diptera, larvae of Diptera (Chironomidae) and Odonata, unidentified insect fragments, unidentified vegetal fragments and sediments (Ref. 119236). |