Ecology of Percina kusha
Main Ref. Williams, J.D., D.A. Neely, S.J. Walsh and N.M. Burkhead, 2007
Remarks Percina kusha inhabits small rivers and lower reaches of tributary creeks with good water quality. These streams are characterized by moderate gradient where the substrate consists of sand, gravel, cobble and bedrock. Percina kusha is usually found in flowing pools and backwaters adjacent to runs, where it has been observed hovering over or resting on submerged structures such woody debris, stems of Justicia americana, and large cobble. During winter we have observed P. kusha among leaf packs in pools. Frequent associates of P. kusha are Campostoma oligolepis, Cyprinella trichroistia, C. venusta, Etheostoma stigmaeum, Hypentelium etowanum, Notropis xaenocephalus, P. kathae, P. nigrofasciata and P. palmaris. Etnier & Starnes(1993) provide information on feeding and reproduction of the Conasauga River population. Johnson et al. (2002) conducted a study of seasonal spawning habitat utilization in the Conasauga River in Murray County, Georgia, during 1999 and 2000. There is no information available on the ecology and biology of the Etowah River population of P. kusha.

Aquatic zones / Water bodies

Marine - Neritic Marine - Oceanic Brackishwater Freshwater
Marine zones / Brackish and freshwater bodies
  • supra-littoral zone
  • littoral zone
  • sublittoral zone
  • epipelagic
  • mesopelagic
  • epipelagic
  • abyssopelagic
  • hadopelagic
  • estuaries/lagoons/brackish seas
  • mangroves
  • marshes/swamps
  • rivers/streams
  • lakes/ponds
  • caves
  • exclusively in caves
Highighted items on the list are where Percina kusha may be found.


Substrate Ref.
Special habitats
Special habitats Ref.


Associated with
Association remarks


Feeding type
Feeding type Ref.
Feeding habit
Feeding habit Ref.
Trophic Level(s)
Estimation method Original sample Unfished population Remark
Troph s.e. Troph s.e.
From diet composition
From individual food items
(e.g. 346)
(e.g. oophagy)
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cfm script by eagbayani,  ,  php script by rolavides, 2/5/2008 ,  last modified by mbactong, 10/24/19