Ecology of Plectropomus leopardus
Main Ref. Goeden, G.B., 1978
Remarks Inhabits coral reefs (Ref. 58534). May be observed with its 'cleaners', Labroides dimidiatus and Lepidaplois axillaris, and the shrimp, Stenopus sp. Intraspecific aggression is used in establishing temporarily held sites; schooling observed during feeding and in lieu of suitable cover. Fish, primarily atherinids and scarids comprise 96% of the adult diet while small juveniles feed on a few benthic crustaceans (Ref. 2160). Highly piscivorous, with Pomacentridae, Caesionidae, Scaridae and Labridae are four of the five most important prey families consumed and did not vary seasonally in the diet (Ref. 42842). They are home-ranging, moderately sedentary fish that associate with specific areas of mid-shelf reefs for several months. They regularly range approximately 2 km along the reef slope and up to 7.5 km on occasions (Ref. 27399). Longer range movements between reefs have been reported (Ref. 27410). They appear to range as mobile, opportunistic predators, but also maintain home sites for access to shelter and cleaning stations (Ref. 27426). They also migrate short distances within particular reef systems to spawn (Ref. 27259). Larger ones inhabit deeper waters (e.g., more than 20 m) outside the spawning period (Ref. 27264). They may also move into shallow water. These coral trouts feed during the day and exhibit different hunting strategies depending on the time of day. At dusk they appear to utilise an 'ambush' strategy whereas at dawn they 'prowl'. Groups of larger fish have been observed to hunt and chase small pelagic fish (Ref. 27399).

Aquatic zones / Water bodies

Marine - Neritic Marine - Oceanic Brackishwater Freshwater
Marine zones / Brackish and freshwater bodies
  • supra-littoral zone
  • littoral zone
  • sublittoral zone
  • epipelagic
  • mesopelagic
  • epipelagic
  • abyssopelagic
  • hadopelagic
  • estuaries/lagoons/brackish seas
  • mangroves
  • marshes/swamps
  • rivers/streams
  • lakes/ponds
  • caves
  • exclusively in caves
Highighted items on the list are where Plectropomus leopardus may be found.


Substrate Ref.
Special habitats
Special habitats Ref.


Fonte Biblio.
Associated with
Association remarks


Feeding type mainly animals (troph. 2.8 and up)
Feeding type Ref. Goeden, G.B., 1978
Feeding habit hunting macrofauna (predator)
Feeding habit Ref. Goeden, G.B., 1978
Trophic Level(s)
Estimation method Original sample Unfished population Commento
Troph s.e. Troph s.e.
From diet composition 4.42 0.71 4.66 0.86 Troph of juv./adults from 1 study.
From individual food items 4.41 0.96 Trophic level estimated from a number of food items using a randomized resampling routine.
Fonte Biblio. Kingsford, M., 1992
(es. 346)
(es. oophagy)
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cfm script by eagbayani,  ,  php script by rolavides, 2/5/2008 ,  last modified by mbactong, 10/24/19