Ecologia de Tetranematichthys wallacei
Ref. principal Vari, R.P. and C. Ferraris Jr., 2006
Notas The holotype (MZUSP 31096) was reported to have been collected in an acidic, slow-flowing, blackwater igarape within the flooded rainforest. Habitat information is lacking for most of the other examined specimens; however, several of the paratype lots (USNM 269994, USNM 269995, USNM 27008) were captured in still rain forest backwaters or in shallow rain forest streams with sandy bottoms and barely perceptible water flow; characterized by blackwaters and numerous submerged logs and branches. Specimens collected in the lower Rio Ucayali basin in northeastern Peru and the region of the Rio japura in Amazonas, Brazil, but not examined in this study, were similarly associated with submerged logs (Ref. 56964).

Aquatic zones / Water bodies

Marine - Neritic Marine - Oceanic Brackishwater Freshwater
Marine zones / Brackish and freshwater bodies
  • supra-littoral zone
  • littoral zone
  • sublittoral zone
  • epipelagic
  • mesopelagic
  • epipelagic
  • abyssopelagic
  • hadopelagic
  • Estuários/lagunas/áreas estuarinas
  • manguezais
  • pântanos/brejos
  • rivers/streams
  • lakes/ponds
  • Cavernas
  • exclusivamente
Highighted items on the list are where Tetranematichthys wallacei may be found.


Substrato Soft Bottom
Substrate Ref.
Habitats especiais
Special habitats Ref.


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Tipo de alimentação
Feeding type Ref.
Hábito alimentar
Feeding habit Ref.
Trophic Level(s)
Estimation method Amostra original População virgem (não pescada) Nota
Troph s.e. Troph s.e.
Da composição da dieta
Dos itens alimentares individuais
(p.ex. 346)
(p.ex. oophagy)
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cfm script by eagbayani,  ,  php script by rolavides, 2/5/2008 ,  modificado pela última vez por mbactong, 10/24/19