Paraliparis parviradialis Stein, 2012

Family:  Liparidae (Snailfishes)
Max. size:  28.2 cm TL (female)
Environment:  demersal; marine; depth range - 1990 m
Distribution:  Southern Ocean: known only from the holotype, collected from the northwest edge of Mawson Bank in 1954-1990 m (Ref. 90026).
Diagnosis:  V 68, D probably 60, A 54, C 7. Teeth uniserial. Pectoral fin rays 21-22, notch moderately deep, notch rays rudimentary or normal but shortened, about 1/3 upper lobe length. Pectoral girdle with three (2+0+1) small oval radials; R2 largest; radials without notches, fenestrae absent. Scapula with broad blade, short broad helve. Coracoid with broad blade with dorsal slit and two fenestrae, large hemispherical basal notch, and long, slender helve. Abdomen length greater than twice head length. (Ref. 90026).
IUCN Red List Status: Not Evaluated (N.E.) Ref. (130435)
Threat to humans:  harmless

Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.