Pellonula leonensis Boulenger, 1916
Smalltoothed pellonula
Pellonula leonensis
photo by FAO

Family:  Dorosomatidae (Gizzard shads and sardinellas)
Max. size:  12.1 cm TL (male/unsexed); max.weight: 13.5 g
Environment:  pelagic; freshwater; brackish; marine, anadromous
Distribution:  Africa: freshwater rivers of West Africa (Ref. 188, 2244), in lagoons, lakes, lower and upper courses of rivers from Senegal to Cross River (Ref. 81269), including upper reaches of Niger and lower parts of Benue River (Ref. 188); and lagoons and lower and middle courses of coastal rivers from Cameroon to Democratic Republic of Congo (Ref. 2244, 81631). Reported from the LĂ©fini River (Ref. 88782), but apparently not in upper parts of Congo system (Ref. 188). Also reported from Atlantic Ocean, including beaches at Hann near Dakar in Senegal and near Pointe Noire in Congo Republic (Ref. 188).
Diagnosis:  Dorsal spines (total): 0-0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 13-19; Anal spines: 0-0; Anal soft rays: 16-22; Vertebrae: 39-44. Diagnosis: Body slender to moderately deep, its depth 17-30% of standard length; scutes beginning behind base of first pectoral finray, with 8-15 pre-pelvic and 6-10 post-pelvic scutes, and a total of 17-23 scutes, first pre-pelvic scute as long as following scutes lacking ascending arms; lower jaw very slightly projecting, teeth at symphysis only slightly enlarged; pre-maxillary teeth small and inward pointing, only the tips usually apparent, no strongly marked indentation at centre of jaw; lower gillrakers 20-35, equal to or longer than corresponding gill filaments; silver stripe along flank (Ref. 188, 2244, 81269, 81631). It resembles Pellonula vorax, which has larger and straighter teeth, often pointing forward, and scutes before pectoral fin bases (Ref. 188, 2244, 81269, 81631). The absence of large canine teeth in upper jaw distinguishes it from Odaxothrissa; Microthrissa species are deep-bodied and have a much more slender maxilla compared to Pellonula leonensis (Ref. 188). Description: Body slender to moderately deep, depth 17-30% of standard length (Ref. 188, 2244). Caudal peduncle 1.3 times as long as deep (Ref. 1880). Head length about 28% of standard length (Ref. 2244). Lower jaw very slightly projecting, but not prominent; pre-maxillary teeth relatively fine, curved inward, only the tips usually apparent (Ref. 188, 1880, 2849, 81269, 81631). A group of teeth on each side of the palatinum; 1-3 rows of teeth on the tongue; conical teeth relatively well developed on the dentary and pre-maxillary; pre-maxillary teeth are directed towards the inside of the mouth; width and length of supra-maxillary respectively 14.3-21.9% and 52.6-67.0% of maxillary length, whose base bears 13-38 small conical teeth (Ref. 2244). First gill arch with 29-52 gill rakers, of which 20-35 on the lower limb and 9-11 on the upper limb, generally longer than the corresponding filaments on the first gill arch (Ref. 1989, 2244, 2756, 2849, 81269, 81631). Dorsal fin with 13-19 rays, the first dorsal-fin ray slightly in front or behind the insertion of the pelvic fin; anal fin with 16-22 rays; pectoral fin with 11-16 rays; pelvic fin with 7-8 rays; length of pectoral fin about half of the pectoral-pelvic fin distance; caudal fin deeply forked, with pointed lobes, and 19-20 rays (Ref. 1880, 2244, 2849, 3069, 81269, 81631, 120917). Cycloid scales; 36-45 scales on longitudinal line; 9-12 in transverse series (Ref. 367, 1880, 2241, 2756, 3069). First pre-pelvic scute of identical size to the following ones, lacking ascending arms and located behind the origin of the pectoral fins; 8-15 pre-pelvic scutes and 6-10 post-pelvic scutes (Ref. 2244, 2849, 81269, 81631, 120917). A total of 39-44 vertebrae; with 19-24 abdominal vertebrae, 17-21 caudal vertebrae and 10-12 predorsal bones (Ref. 1989, 2244, 2756). Colouration: Preserved specimens are very similar in colour to Pellonula vorax (Ref. 2849, 81269, 81631): variable ground colour from yellow-brown to yellow-gray; operculum, ventral region and flanks usually lighter (Ref. 2244). Silver stripe along flank (Ref. 188, 1880).
Biology:  Found chiefly in rivers and streams, also man-made and natural lakes (Ref. 188); also in estuaries and lagoons (Ref. 188, 2683). Apparently able to tolerate moderate or even quite high salinities (Ref. 188). It forms enormous shoals in both inshore and offshore regions of Lake Kainji (Ref. 3034). It feeds on terrestrial and aquatic insects, but also ostracods and entomostracans; stomachs containing clupeid fish scales may represent cannibalism (Ref. 188). Reproduction occurs in rivers and lakes, and may be also in estuaries and coastal lagoons (Ref. 2683). It breeds from July to September in Lake Volta (Ref. 188).
IUCN Red List Status: Least Concern (LC); Date assessed: 30 April 2019 Ref. (130435)
Threat to humans:  harmless
Country info:  Known from Mbini River (Ref. 81631).

Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.