Lycodonus malvinensis Gosztonyi, 1981
Lycodonus malvinensis
photo by Gosztonyi, A.E.

Family:  Zoarcidae (Eelpouts), subfamily: Lycodinae
Max. size:  19.6 cm SL (male/unsexed)
Environment:  bathydemersal; marine; depth range 800 - 2044 m
Distribution:  Southwest Atlantic: known only from the continental slope east of the Malvinas Islands (Falkland Islands).
Diagnosis:  Dorsal soft rays (total): 101-103; Anal soft rays: 96-98; Vertebrae: 113-113. This species is distinguished by the following set of characters: 6-9 'free' (i.e., non-ray-bearing) bony scutes in front of dorsal fin; anteriormost dorsal scute closer to the base of pectoral fins than to their tips; mid-part of the bony scutes in dorsal fin and hinder part of anal fin produced as a blunt spine; D 101-103; A 96-98; neural spines of anterior caudal vertebrae very short, less than half the depth of the vertebra (Ref. 85841).
IUCN Red List Status: Not Evaluated (N.E.) Ref. (130435)
Threat to humans:  harmless
Country info:  Type locality, vicinity of the Malvinas Islands Archipelago, ISH 200/71b (holotype of Lycodonus malvinensis, 24.9 cm TL, female) (Ref. 85841). Known from 4 specimens collected off Falkland Is. and the adjacent Burdwood Bank at depths of 800-2044. Museum: Burdwood Bank, LACM 11066-2 (Ref. 11954).

Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.