Lycodes rossi Malmgren, 1865
Threespot eelpout
Nordlig ålebrosme
Lycodes rossi
photo by Aas Midtun, H.

Family:  Zoarcidae (Eelpouts), subfamily: Lycodinae
Max. size:  31 cm TL (male/unsexed); max.weight: 63.6 g
Environment:  demersal; marine; depth range 42 - 365 m
Distribution:  North Atlantic: just north of Iceland, northern Norway (Porsanger Fjord) and Barents Sea (but not in southern parts). Arctic Ocean: Kara Sea and Beaufort Sea.
Diagnosis:  Vertebrae: 98-99. Pelvic fins small (Ref. 4695). Dark, with 5-8 short, light cross-bands on back and dorsal fins; light band (or spots) at nape; transverse light bands on body, never becoming a network in older fishes (Ref. 4695).
Biology:  Found on muddy bottoms (Ref. 4695). Benthic (Ref. 58426). Smaller individuals prey on smaller species like amphipods, isopods and small bivalves while larger ones prey on shrimps, euphausiids and fish (Ref. 13532).
IUCN Red List Status: Not Evaluated (N.E.) Ref. (130435)
Threat to humans:  harmless
Country info:  Type locality: Treurenberg Bay, Spitsbergen (Ref. 51665).

Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.