Peristedion gracile Goode & Bean, 1896
Slender searobin
Slender searobin
Peristedion gracile
photo by JAMARC

Family:  Peristediidae (Armored searobins or armored gurnards)
Max. size:  20 cm TL (male/unsexed)
Environment:  bathydemersal; marine; depth range 30 - 475 m
Distribution:  Western Atlantic: New Jersey, USA and northern Gulf of Mexico to Campeche in Mexico; reported to extend to the West Indies, and off Venezuela and Suriname (Ref. 13608).
Diagnosis:  Dorsal spines (total): 8-8; Dorsal soft rays (total): 19-20; Anal spines: 0-0; Anal soft rays: 20-22
Biology:  Found mostly on the continental slope. Neither anterolateral glandular groove nor venom gland is present (Ref. 57406).
IUCN Red List Status: Least Concern (LC); Date assessed: 31 January 2013 Ref. (130435)
Threat to humans:  harmless
Country info:  Also Ref. 26340.

Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.