Egg Characteristics of Eptatretus atami
Main Ref. Patzner, R.A., 1998
Place of Development on the bottom (demersal)
Shape of Egg elongated
Attributes with filaments, not sticky
Color of Eggs
Color of Oil Globule
Additional Characters The egg contains a single micropylar opening located at the animal pole. It is situated at the bottom of a micropylar cup which lies between the anchor filaments. The single filaments are between 3.2 and 4.9 mm long and have an anchor-shaped apical end. The number of filaments varies around 50 but is always smaller on the vegetative end (Ref. 51361). On both ends of laid eggs, the filaments are enveloped by a gel-like matrix intertwined with large cytoskeletal biopolymers (keratin-like intermediate filaments) of possible holocrine origin (Ref. 51417).
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28/08/99 ,  php script by rolavides, 2/12/2008 ,  last modified by vagbay, 22/06/2022