Ecosystems where Siganus fuscescens occurs
n = 38
Ecossistema Tipo Estado Ref.
Andaman Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1419
Bay of Bengal Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1419
Chiku River River (basin) native 36073
Coral Sea and GBR Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1419
Dauin-Apo I. Sea/Bay/Gulf native 127519
Davao Gulf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 126188
East Central Australian Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1419
East China Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1419
Erhjen River River (basin) native 36073
Great Barrier Reef Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1419
Hsiao-liu-chiu Sea/Bay/Gulf native 48451
Indian Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1419
Indonesian Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1419
Kimbe Bay Sea/Bay/Gulf native 28888
Lagonoy Gulf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 43283
Lingayen Gulf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 5399
Milne Bay Sea/Bay/Gulf native 41464
North Australian Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1419
Northeast Australian Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1419
Northwest Australian Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1419
Oriental Zoogeographic realm native 129476
Ormoc Bay Sea/Bay/Gulf native 45205
Pacific Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1419
Panguil Bay Sea/Bay/Gulf native 47626
Peng-hu Island Sea/Bay/Gulf native 55073
San Miguel Bay Sea/Bay/Gulf native 45674
Sea of Japan/East Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 559
Shark Bay Sea/Bay/Gulf native 115274
Shiliao River River (basin) native 36073
South China Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 36648
Southern China Sea/Bay/Gulf native 124789
Southern Palawan Sea/Bay/Gulf native 114805
Sulu-Celebes Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1419
Tañon Strait Sea/Bay/Gulf native 107276
Ulugan Bay Sea/Bay/Gulf native 43468
Verde Island Passage Sea/Bay/Gulf native 6956
West Central Australian Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 115274
Yellow Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1419
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cfm script by eagbayani, 20.10.04 ,  php script by rolavides, 07/05/08 ,  modificado pela última vez por elaxamana, 11:05 AM 06/03/09