Ecosystems where Urogymnus granulatus occurs
n = 10
বাস্তুতান্ত্রিক তথ্য নমুনা/ধরণ পদমর্যাদা সূত্র
Andaman and Nicobar Islands Sea/Bay/Gulf native 118627
Bay of Bengal Sea/Bay/Gulf native 118627
Indian Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 6871
Indonesian Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 8630
North Australian Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 6871
Northeast Australian Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 6871
Northwest Australian Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 6871
Pacific Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 6871
Red Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 114953
South China Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 36648
অনুসন্ধান পৃষ্ঠায় ফিরে যাওয়া
cfm script by eagbayani, 20.10.04 ,  php script by rolavides, 07/05/08 ,  সর্বশেষ রুপান্তরিত elaxamana, 11:05 AM 06/03/09