Petromyzon marinus in Baltic Sea
ນ້ຳເບີເອກະສານອ້າງອີງ Winkler, H.M., K. Skora, R. Repecka, M. Ploks, A. Neelov, L. Urho, A. Gushin and H. Jespersen, 2000
ລະບົບນິເວດ Baltic Sea
ສະຖານະພາບ native
ຄວາມອຸດົມສົມບູນ occasional (usually not seen)
ຂັ້ນຕອນຂອງການມີຊີວິດ juv./adults
ຂໍ້ສັງເກດ Inward to Finnish Gulf (Ref. 34302). Very rare in Baltic basin (Ref. 59043). HELCOM: endangered; vulnerable in southwestern Baltic; critically requested by Poland, Gulf of Finland and Estonia; considered a high priority species (Ref. 83294).

(ຕ.ຢ. oophagy)
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cfm script by eagbayani, 20.10.04, php script by rolavides, 08/05/08 ,  ຖືກແກ້ໄຂເທື່ອສຸດທ້າຍໂດຍ sortiz, 06/27/17