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Chelaethiops congicus: List of Point Data Occurrences data  |   Species Summary   
n = 38   (FB = 35, GBIF = 3)      View map: C-squares Mapper
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Name used Year Latitude Longitude Catalog No. Information
Chelaethiops congicus-4.3015.30P - 39726Tinant A., Léopoldville
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-4.3315.37P -118579Brien, Poll & Bouillon, Stat. 22, Stanley-Pool, riv. Ndjili
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-5.4221.42P - 94701Worth B., Luebo, riv. Lulua
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-11.5727.35P -183042-183157Thys van den Audenaerde D., étang de la station de Kipopo
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-11.7227.43P -149277-149278Lips M., riv. Kimilolo, près du confluent riv. Kisanga et Kafubu, Katanga
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-11.7227.43P -149262Lips M., riv. Kimilolo, Katanga
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-11.6227.43P -149275-149276Lips M., riv. Kiboko, afflt. riv. Lubumbashi, Katanga
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-11.7227.47P -149312-149314Lips M., riv. Kamatete, Katanga
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-11.6027.47P -149377-149381Lips M., environs d'Elisabethville, Katanga
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-11.6027.47P -149315-149336Lips M., environs d'Elisabethville, Katanga
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-11.6027.47P -149267-149269Lips M., environs d'Elisabethville, Katanga
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-11.7227.48P -149366-149376Lips M., riv. Kalule, sources, Katanga
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-11.7227.48P -149347-149365Lips M., riv. Kalule, sources, Katanga
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-11.7227.48P -149286-149310Lips M., riv. Kalule, marais ferme Vinamont, Katanga
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-11.7227.48P -149279-149285Lips M., riv. Kafubu, derrière la ferme Vinamont, Katanga
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-10.5727.48P - 78108-78109Brédo H.J., Kienge, riv. Kafila, rég. Lualaba
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-11.4527.55P -149256-149261Lips M., riv. Kasamba, afflt. de la Kiwishi, près du village Kikwesa, Katanga
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-11.7527.57P -149340-149342Lips M., riv. Kamibanga, afflt. riv. Kafubu, près de Kabubu, Katanga
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus1.3327.57P - 8021-8027Christy C., Avakubi
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-11.7727.62P -149270-149274Lips M., Kitanda, riv. Kafubu, Katanga
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus1.4527.62P - 8020Christy C., Bosabangi
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus1.4527.62P - 7728-7736Christy C., Bosabangi
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-10.7727.80P -165324-165325Malaisse F., Gombela, riv. Kafila, Katanga alt:1030m
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-11.4527.85P -149263-149266Lips M., riv. Kifumwanshi, afflt. de la Kiswishi, près de son embouchure, Katanga
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus1986-5.9528.4151301Lukuga River rapids Kisimba-Kilia 2 km downstream from Niemba on route Kalemie-Kabalo
Portal: GBIF. Source: NRM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Chelaethiops congicus-4.2229.93P B0003.0382B0003.0384Banyankimbona G., riv. Rukoziri, colline Rusovu, pont sur route Kayogoro-Kibago, bassin Malagarazi
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus1991-3.9830.02MRAC 91030.0545riv. Musasa, affl. Muyovozi, au pont sur RN8
Portal: GBIF. Source: MRAC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Chelaethiops congicus-3.9830.02P 91062.172291062.1724De Vos & Weiler, riv. Musasa, affl. Muyovozi, à ± 5 km de Rutana
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-3.9830.02P 91061.0833Taverne L., Musasa riv., affl. Mutsindozi près de Rutana, bassin Malagarazi
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-3.9830.02P 91030.0545De Vos & Taverne, riv. Musasa, affl. Muyovozi, au pont sur RN8
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-4.0030.07P B1003.1109Banyankimbona G., rivière Musasa, affl. Muyovozi, colline Rugwe, près du Hangar de ISABU Bukemba, bassin Malagarazi
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-3.9230.17P 91079.037391079.0395Roberts T., Kinywa riv., about 29 km by road SSE of Rutana, Malagarazi basin
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-4.0530.21P B1003.1103B1003.1106Banyankimbona G., riv. Malagarazi, au village des marais Ku Mutongotongo, séparation plantation cannes à sucre et rivière
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-3.4330.47P B1003.1110B1003.1116Banyankimbona & Nshimirimana, ruisseau Nyabigozi, affl. Rumpungwe, colline Buriba, bassin Malagarazi
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-3.4030.58P B1003.0832Banyankimbona & Nshimirimana, rivière Ruru, affl. Rumpungwe, colline Gashirwe,bassin Malagarazi
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus1993-4.0030.67MRAC 93150.1044riv. Mutsindozi, pr?s de la sucrerie Sosumo, comm. Bukemba (Gihofi)
Portal: GBIF. Source: MRAC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Chelaethiops congicus-4.0030.67P 93150.1044De Vos L., riv. Mutsindozi, près de la sucrerie Sosumo, comm. Bukemba (Gihofi)
Portal: FB. Source: P
Chelaethiops congicus-4.1030.95P B1003.1107B1003.1108Banyankimbona G., riv. Mutsindozi, affl. Malagarazi, ± 2km du centre de Kayogoro, pont sur route Rutana-Makamba
Portal: FB. Source: P
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Last modified by Casey, 09.06.15