Occurrence Record for Danio absconditus

Main Ref. Kullander, S.O. and R. Britz, 2015 (Ref. 106271)
Name used Danio absconditus
Catalog No. BMNH 2011.3.24.29
Locality Comepyo Chaung (17°40′57″N, 94°38′25″E) and Mway Tway Chaung (17°38′53″N, 94°36′35″E)
Year 2009
Coordinates 17° 40.95' N 94° 38.42' E
In decimal: 17.68, 94.64
Geography area Asia - Inland waters
Country Myanmar
Length 5.17 cm SL
Collector R. Britz
Museum [BMNH]
Date 03/12/09
Salinity freshwater
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last modified by sortiz, 10/04/17