鉴别 |
This species is distinguished by the following characters: body and head elongate and markedly compressed, its depth distinctly less than head length, 3.1-3.7 times in standard length; body width 2.3-2.8 times in body depth; no palatine teeth; caudal fin rounded. Colour of adults greenish to brownish grey with numerous orange-red spots on head (becoming smaller anteriorly), body, dorsal fin, and basally on caudal fin;3-4 longitudinal whitish bands or series of streaks often visible on postorbital head and body; membranes of soft dorsal, anal, and caudal fins clear; juveniles with longitudinal pale bluish grey stripes on a gold or yellow background; a blue-edged black spot (or double spot) at base of caudal fin and another at base of soft dorsal fin (Ref. 5222, 39231, 90102). |