Morfologische gegevens van Corydoras paleatus
Hoofdreferentie Tencatt, L. F.C., M. R. de Britto and C.S. Pavanelli, 2016
Uiterlijke beschrijving verwijst naar
Bones in OsteoBase


Gespecialiseerde organen other
Verschillende uiterlijke vorm
Verschillende kleuren
Opmerkingen Males with lanceolate genital papilla, with dorsal-fin spine and odontodes more developed; first and second dorsal-fin branched rays slightly surpass dorsal-spine tip. Females generally larger than males.

Beschrijvende kenmerken van juveniel en adult

Opvallende kenmerken
Laterale lichaamsvorm
Dwarsdoorsnede compressed
Dorsaal kopprofiel
Type ogen
Type muil/snuit
Positie van de muil
Type of scales

This species is distinguished from its congeners, except C. armatus and C. microcephalus, by having perpendicularly directed serrations along the entire posterior margin of the pectoral spines (vs. serrations pointing towards pectoral spine origin, or directed towards pectoral-spine tip, or perpendicularly directed serrations, if present, bifid or restricted to proximal region of pectoral spine); differs from C. armatus by the absence of contact between infraorbital 2 and compound pterotic (vs. presence); differs from C. microcephalus by the presence of a longitudinal series of three large black blotches along midline of flank (vs. four or five midline blotches in C. microcephalus); differs from C. cohui, C. diphyes, C. flaveolus, C. froehlichi, C. gryphus, C. habrosus, C. lacrimostigmata, C. longipinnis, C. lymnades by having the anterior region of the dorsal fin black (vs. with black spots or bars); differs from C. carlae, C. garbei, C. difluviatilis by having hyaline or black pectoral fin (vs. with black spots or bars); differs from C. reynoldsi, C. tukano, C. weitzmani by the absence of a conspicuous coloration pattern in the region of the eye (vs. presence of a transversal black stripe across the eye); differs from C. gladysae, C. micracanthus, C. petracinii by having a dorsal spine that is relatively long, with adpressed distal tip slightly surpassing the base of the last branched dorsal-ray (vs. conspicuously short, with adpressed distal tip not reaching the base of the last branched dorsal-ray); differs from C. ehrhardti by having transversal black bars on caudal-fin lobes (vs. caudal-fin lobes hyaline or brownish); differs from C. steindachneri by having a fold in the middle portion of the lower lip (vs. absence) (Ref. 129023).

Gemak van identificatie

Meristieke kenmerken van Corydoras paleatus

Laterale lijnen Onderbroken: No
Aantal schubben op laterale lijn
Aantal geperforeerde schubben op laterale lijn
Aantal schubben in lateral serie
Aantal rijen schubben boven laterale lijn
Aantal rijen schubben onder laterale lijn
Aantal schubben rond staartsteel
Kieuwspleten (enkel bij haaien en roggen)
op onderste gedeelte
op bovenste gedeelte
totaal 21 - 22


Dorsale vin(nen)

Aantal vinnen 1
Aantal bijvinnen Dorsal   
Totaal aantal stekels 2 - 2
Totaal aantal zachte vinstralen 8 - 9
Vetvin present



Anale vin(nen)

Aantal vinnen
Totaal aantal stekels
Totaal aantal zachte vinstralen 6 - 7

Pare vinnen

Pectorale vinnen Eigenschappen  
stekels     1
Zachte vinstralen   7 - 8
Pelvische vinnen Eigenschappen  
Zachte vinstralen   5 - 5
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.10.00, php script by rolavides, 13/03/08 ,  laatst aangepast door sortiz, 06.27.17