Morphology Data of Danio concatenatus
Kunci identifiaksi (pengenalan)
Main Ref. Kullander, S.O., 2015
Appearance refers to
Bones in OsteoBase

Sex attributes

Specialized organs
Different appearance
Different colors

Descriptive characteristics of juvenile and adult

Striking features
Body shape lateral fusiform / normal
Cross section
Dorsal head profile
Type of eyes
Type of mouth/snout
Position of mouth terminal
Type of scales

Danio concatenatus is distinguished from all other congeners except D. assamila, D. dangila, D. catenatus, and D. sysphigmatus by produced first ray in pectoral and pelvic fins, large cleithral spot, and pattern of dark rings enclosing light interspaces on the side. It differs from those species by having round cleithral spot (vs. vertically extended in D. dangila), presence (rarely absence) of anterior interstripe Ia (vs. absent in D. dangila, D. catenatus), round or slightly elongate rings in in two series along side, width of dark perimeter of about same width as diameter of light centre (vs. elongate in D. assamila and D. sysphigmatus, with narrower perimeter in D. sysphigmatus; three rows anteriorly in D. catenatus), ring pattern usually not extending onto caudal peduncle (vs. extending onto caudal peduncle in D. catenatus and variably in D. dangila), and 35-36 scales on lateral line (vs. 32-34 in D. dangila, 32-34, rarely 36 in D. assamila) (Ref. 101154).

Ease of Identification

Meristic characteristics of Danio concatenatus

Lateral Lines Interrupted: No
Scales on lateral line 35 - 36
Pored lateral line scales
Scales in lateral series
Scale rows above lateral line
Scale rows below lateral line
Scales around caudal peduncle 14 - 14
Gill clefts (sharks/rays only)
Gill rakers
on lower limb
on upper limb
Keseluruhan (total)
vertebrata, bertulang belakang
Keseluruhan (total) 36 - 37


Dorsal fin(s)

Attributes no striking attributes
Fins number 1
Finlets No. Dorsal   
Spines total
Soft-rays total 12 - 13
Adipose fin absent

Caudal fin

Attributes forked

Anal fin(s)

Fins number
Spines total
Soft-rays total 17 - 18

Paired fins

Pectoral Attributes  more or less normal
Soft-rays   11 - 13
Pelvics Attributes  more or less normal
Position    abdominal  before origin of D1
Soft-rays   8 - 8
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.10.00, php script by rolavides, 13/03/08 ,  last modified by sortiz, 06.27.17