Données morphologiques de Diplotaxodon dentatus
Clés d'identification
Réf. Princ. Stauffer, J.R. Jr. and A.F. Konings, 2021
Ressemble à
Bones in OsteoBase

Attributs sexuels

Organes spécialisés
Apparence différente
Couleurs différentes

Caractéristiques descriptives des juvéniles et adultes

Éléments remarquables
Profil du corps
Section transverse
Profil dorsal de la tête
Type d'yeux
Type de bouche/museau
Position de la bouche
Type of scales

Diagnosis: The oblique mouth, a prognathic lower jaw, a small knob at the synthesis of the dentaries, the absence of distinct bars or stripes, the closely-spaced teeth, and lack of beak-like premaxillaries place this species in Diplotaxodon (Ref. 123828). Diplotaxodon dentatus has a smaller body depth, 26.4-28.4% of standard length, than D. altus (35.1-37.8%), D. greenwoodi (34.2-36.5%), D. macrops (33.9-37.6%), D. apogon (32.4-37.3%), D. aeneus (34.3-37.1%) and D. ecclesi (35.5%); there are more gill rakers on the first ceratobranchial in D. dentatus than in D. longimaxilla, 23-27 vs. 16-21; it has fewer teeth in the outer row of the left lower jaw, 17-25, that are exposed when the mouth is closed and more widely spaced than those of D. limnothrissa, 36-46, which are close together and embedded; it has a shorter snout length, 26.6-29.2% of head length, than D. argenteus, 31.7-34.2%, a longer post-orbital head length, 39.0-41.7% of head length vs. 37.7-38.8%, a narrower cheek depth, 10.6-15.2% of head length vs. 15.3-17.0%, generally more gill-rakers on the first ceratobranchial, 23-27 vs. 20-23, and a greater distance between the anterior origin of the dorsal fin to the posterior insertion of the anal fin, 50.3-53.1% of standard length vs. 49.6-51.2% (Ref. 123828).

Description: Body fusiform, slender, and laterally compressed, deepest at origin of dorsal fin (Ref. 123828). Head elongate, 33.8-36.0% of standard length, length greater than body depth, with lower jaw at oblique angle; eye large, horizontal eye diameter 29.9-33.9% of head length, vertical eye diameter 28.4-33.6% of head length, greater than pre-orbital depth, 15.7-20.0% of head length; snout smaller than orbit diameter, 26.6-29.2% of head length, with premaxillary pedicel to vertical through anterior orbit; cheek shallow, 10.6-15.2% of head length, with 2-3 scale rows; mouth large and superior, lower jaw 38.0-41.2% of head length; teeth on lower and upper jaw caniniform, with space between them about width of tooth, 17-25 in outer row of left lower jaw, and exposed (Ref. 123828). Teeth on pharyngeal jaws unicuspid (Ref. 123828). First ceratobranchial with 23-27 gill-rakers and first epibranchial with 6-8 rakers (Ref. 123828). Dorsal-fin origin posterior to operculum, above insertion of pectoral fin, dorsal-fin spines increasing to maximum length over 8-10 spines; caudal peduncle relatively long, 4.8-5.6 times in standard length; caudal fin emarginate; anal-fin, below vertical through first dorsal-fin ray; anal-fin rayed section rounded, not reaching to caudal-fin base; pectoral-fin origin close behind gill slit; pectoral fin in mature males to anal-fin origin; pelvic fin, short, and not to anal-fin origin (Ref. 123828). Ctenoid scales small, 32-38 in lateral line; upper lateral line with slight upward curve anteriorly, to before posterior insertion dorsal fin; lower lateral line straight through mid-caudal peduncle; 0-1 pored scales posterior to hypural plate; cheek scales 2-3 (Ref. 123828). With 16 abdominal and 18 caudal vertebrae, typical of Diplotaxodon species (Ref. 123828).

Colouration: Preserved males with dark snout; flank dark dorsally, fading lighter ventrally; dorsal fin with black lappets; caudal fin with 5-6 central rays black; anal fin with distal portion of membranes dark grey to black and without egg spots; pelvic fins black and pectoral fins clear; head with black gular region (Ref. 123828). Colouration of preserved females similar to males, but lighter overall (Ref. 123828).

Facilité d'identification

Caractéristiques méristiques de Diplotaxodon dentatus

Lignes latérales Interrompu(e)(s): No
Écailles sur la ligne latérale
Écailles perforées de la ligne latérale
Écailles en série latérale 32 - 38
Rangées d'écailles au-dessus de la ligne latérale
Rangées d'écailles au-dessus de la ligne latérale
Écailles autour du pédoncule caudal
Fentes branchiales (requins et raies uniquement)
sur le membre inférieur 23 - 27
sur le membre supérieur 6 - 8
Total 34 - 34


Nageoire(s) dorsale(s)

Attributs no striking attributes
Nombre de nageoires 1
Nombre de pinnules Dorsal   
Total d'épines 14 - 16
Total de rayons mous 11 - 13
Nageoire adipeuse absent

Nageoire caudale

Attributs more or less truncate; more or less normal

Nageoire(s) anale(s)

Nombre de nageoires 1
Total d'épines 3 - 3
Total de rayons mous 10 - 12

Nageoires paires

Pectorale(s) Attributs  more or less normal
Épines     0
Rayons mous   13 - 14
Pelvienne(s) Attributs  more or less normal
position    thoracic  behind origin of D1
Épines     0
Rayons mous   5 - 5
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