Données morphologiques de Monopterus luticolus
Clés d'identification
Réf. Princ. Britz, R., T.M. Doherty-Bone, M.T. Kouete, D. Sykes and D.J. Gower, 2016
Ressemble à
Bones in OsteoBase

Attributs sexuels

Organes spécialisés
Apparence différente
Couleurs différentes

Caractéristiques descriptives des juvéniles et adultes

Éléments remarquables
Profil du corps eel-like
Section transverse
Profil dorsal de la tête
Type d'yeux
Type de bouche/museau
Position de la bouche
Type of scales

Diagnosis: Monopterus luticolus is assigned to the 'Amphipnous group' within the genus Monopterus based on the presence of a unique synapomorphy of the group: the spatial dissociation of ceratobranchial 1 from hypobranchial 1 and its close association with hypobranchial 2 and ceratobranchial 2 (Ref. 116049). It is distinguished from all other species of synbranchids, including the other African synbranchids Ophisternon afrum and Monopterus boueti, by having more vertebrae, 198-208 vs. 100-194 (Ref. 116049). It is further distinguished from all synbranchids except O. infernale, O. candidum, M. boueti, M. eapeni, M. roseni, and M. digressus by the lack of externally visible eyes; Monopterus luticolus is also readily distinguished further from the African synbranchid species O. afrum by having the posttemporal greatly reduced in size and removed spatially from the supracleithrum and cleithrum, as well as from the skull, vs. posttemporal large, articulating with supracleithrum and epiotic of skull; and by having five vs. six branchiostegal rays (Ref. 116049). Monopterus luticolus is most similar to the West African M. boueti, from which it differs by having fewer abdominal vertebrae, 95-101 vs. 108, and more caudal vertebrae, 98-110 vs. 79-86; it differs further from M. boueti by several osteological characters (Ref. 116049).

Description: Extremely slender, eel-like body, body depth 63-79 times in preanal length and body width 1.1-1.7 times in its depth; highest and widest part is at level of middle of head, tapering gradually posteriorly to whip-like tail and anteriorly to wide blunt snout (Ref. 116049). Head with bulging adductor muscles resulting in hump-like swelling in larger, and less pronounced bulging in smaller specimens; eye invisible externally; anterior naris at tip of snout, posterior naris situated right in front of bulging adductor muscles; gill opening greatly restricted to tiny crescentic orifice in ventral midline (Ref. 116049). Fins and scales absent (Ref. 116049). Vertebrae: 198-208 total number, 95-102 abdominal and 98-110 caudal vertebrae (Ref. 116049).

Colouration: In alcohol, body a uniform pale brown along dorsum and upper two thirds of sides, white on belly (Ref. 116049). In life, uniformly maroon, with some visible blood vessels particularly in upper body (Ref. 116049).

Facilité d'identification

Caractéristiques méristiques de Monopterus luticolus

Lignes latérales Interrompu(e)(s): No
Écailles sur la ligne latérale
Écailles perforées de la ligne latérale
Écailles en série latérale
Rangées d'écailles au-dessus de la ligne latérale
Rangées d'écailles au-dessus de la ligne latérale
Écailles autour du pédoncule caudal
Fentes branchiales (requins et raies uniquement)
sur le membre inférieur
sur le membre supérieur


Nageoire(s) dorsale(s)

Attributs greatly reduced or absent
Nombre de nageoires
Nombre de pinnules Dorsal   
Total d'épines
Total de rayons mous
Nageoire adipeuse

Nageoire caudale


Nageoire(s) anale(s)

Nombre de nageoires
Total d'épines
Total de rayons mous

Nageoires paires

Pectorale(s) Attributs  absent
Rayons mous   
Pelvienne(s) Attributs  suppressed/absent
Rayons mous   
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.10.00, php script by rolavides, 13/03/08 ,  Dernière modification par sortiz, 06.27.17