Diagnosis: adipose fin always present; inner side of pectoral spine without serrations, being entirely smooth (Ref. 43912).
Description: 8-10 branched pectoral fin rays; 46-49 non-fused vertebrae; gill rakers long and slender; 9-10 branchiostegal rays on one side of head; head rounded; lower jaw reaching as far as snout or a little shorter; anal fin narrowly separated from caudal, latter deeply forked, with pointed lobes, the lower being larger; males with long and pointed genital papilla (Ref. 43912). Closely related to congenerics but distinguished from them by the combination of the absence of pectoral spine serrations and the presence of an adipose fin (Ref. 43912).
Coloration: in life: colourless and translucent, swim-bladder showing through skin; dorsal surface and base of anal fin lightly peppered with melanophores (Ref. 43912). Formal fixed specimens: body white and opaque (yellow-brown in alcohol), but melanophores still visible (Ref. 43912). |