Diagnose |
Can be autapomorphically distinguished by having a lateral spot wide and square-shaped in large specimens. Differs from its congeners except Phalloceros megapolos, Phalloceros spiloura, Phalloceros malabarbai, Phalloceros alessandrae, Phalloceros buckupi, Phalloceros anisophallos, Phalloceros lucenorum, Phalloceros pellos, and Phalloceros reisi by the female urogenital papilla curved to the right, located laterally (vs. slightly left turned and with a lateral ramus or straight located along midventral line); and border of the anal aperture in contact with the first anal-fin
ray or very close to it (vs. separated from first anal-fin ray by the female urogenital papilla). Distinguished further from its congeners but Phalloceros spiloura, Phalloceros anisophallos, Phalloceros lucenorum, Phalloceros pellos, and Phalloceros reisi by the absence of the right hook and presence of the left one (vs. absence or presence of left and right hooks); and gonopodial appendix asymmetrical; its halves different from each other; right half wider than left one (vs. gonopodial appendix symmetrical; its halves similar to each other) (Ref. 76852).
Description: Pectoral fin with 5-7 branched rays; longitudinal series of scales 27-29; transverse series of scales 7 (Ref. 76852). |