Dados morfológicos de Pseudolaguvia nubila
Chaves de identificação
Ref. principal Ng, H.H., Lalramliana, S. Lalronunga and Lalnuntluanga, 2013
Aparência se refere a
Bones in OsteoBase

Atributos do sexo

órgãos especializados
Aparência diferente
Cores diferentes

Características descritivas dos juvenis e adultos

Características determinantes
Forma lateral do corpo elongated
Seção transversal compressed
Perfil dorsal da cabeça
Tipo de olhos
Tipo de boca/focinho
Posição da boca
Type of scales

Pseudolaguvia nubila differs from congeners except for P. austrina, P. kapuri, P. spicula, P. virgulata and P. viriosa in having a deeper caudal peduncle (9.1–11.1% SL vs. 5.0–9.0) and a combination of the following characters: head width 19.7–21.0% SL, dorsal-spine length 16.4–19.3% SL, pectoral-spine length 18.1– 22.0% SL, pelvic-fin length 15.8–18.5% SL, and body depth at anus 13.9–17.1% SL. It is distinguished from P. austrina in having a mottled brown body with yellowish bands (vs. uniform pale brown body), a weakly projecting snout in which the premaxillary teeth are barely exposed (vs. a strongly projecting snout in which the premaxillary teeth are almost entirely exposed) when the mouth is closed, a larger eye (10.8–14.0% HL vs. 4.4–8.1), fewer serrations on the anterior edge of the pectoral spine (7–8 vs. 17–19), a shorter dorsal to adipose distance (13.1– 16.8% SL vs. 29.5–32.7) and longer caudal peduncle (15.7–20.2% SL vs. 8.8–14.7); and from P. kapuri in having a smooth (vs. serrated) anterior edge of the dorsal spine, a shorter adipose-fin base (14.2–15.9% SL vs. 17.1–18.9), and narrower head (19.7–21.7% SL vs. 23.4–24.0), and from P. spicula in having longer dorsal- (16.4–19.3% SL vs. 11.6–14.3) and pectoral-fin (18.1–22.0% SL vs. 15.7–17.4) spines and fewer serrations (7–8 vs. 9–15) on the anterior edge of the pectoral spine. Pseudolaguvia nubila differs from P. virgulata in having shorter dorsal- (16.4– 19.3% SL vs. 21.5–24.0) and pectoral-fin (18.1–22.0% SL vs. 28.5–29.1) spines, a smooth (vs. serrated) anterior edge of the dorsal-fin spine, the presence of pale vertical bands (vs. pale longitudinal stripes) on the flanks and the absence (vs. presence) of a pale Y-shaped marking on the dorsal surface of the head and supraoccipital process, and from P. viriosa in having shorter dorsal- (16.4–19.3% SL vs. 23.4–29.0) and pectoral-fin (18.1–22.0% SL vs. 26.9– 32.9) spines. (Ref. 93571).

Facilidade de Identificação

Características merísticas de Pseudolaguvia nubila

Linhas laterais Interrompido(a): No
Escamas na linha lateral
Escamas da linha lateral com poros
Escamas em séries laterais
Fileiras de escamas acima da linha lateral
Fileiras de escamas abaixo da linha lateral
Escamas em torno do pedúnculo caudal
Aberturas branquiais (tubarões/raias apenas)
Rastros branquiais
no membro inferior
no membro superior


Nadadeira(s) dorsal(dorsais)

Número de nadadeiras
Nro. de pínulas Dorsal   
Total de espinhos
Total de raios
Nadadeira adiposa

Nadadeira caudal


Nadadeira(s) anal(anais)

Número de nadadeiras
Total de espinhos
Total de raios

Nadadeiras pares

Peitoral Atributos  
Pélvicas Atributos  
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Comentários & Correções
cfm script by eagbayani, 17.10.00, php script by rolavides, 13/03/08 ,  modificado pela última vez por sortiz, 06.27.17