主な参照 | Kottelat, M., 1998 |
Appearance refers to | オス; メス |
Bones in OsteoBase |
専門の臓器 | |
異なる出現 | different morphology during breeding season only |
異なる色 | |
意見 | Mature males which are smaller than mature females, posses prominent tubercles on the opercula and the anterior margins of the pectoral fins (Ref. 56317). |
目立つ特徴 | |
身体の側面 | fusiform / normal |
横断面 | |
後頭部の側面 | |
目の種類 | |
目/鼻の種類 | |
口の場所 | |
Type of scales | |
診断 |
Has a long more or less square, median lobe on the lower lip reaching an imaginary line between the corners of the mouth (in specimens > about 7 cm SL); upper lip rolled backwards and upwards and with a median lobe projecting upwards; no dark longitudinal stripe along the side in adults; fins blackish in large adults, yellow in juveniles, and usually 4+1/2 scales between the lateral line and the dorsal-fin origin (Ref. 27732); has 9 branched dorsal-fin rays (Ref. 12693); eyes visible in ventral view; body deep and compressed; isthmus with small distinct scales, about 16 scales between isthmus and origin of pelvic fin; gill rakers 20; supero-posterior margin of dorsal fin deeply concave; pelvic fin tip pointed, posterior margin obviously concave; tip of anal fin pointed, extending to the base of caudal fin (Ref. 13848). Also Ref. 35913. |
Ease of Identification |
側線 | 中断された: No |
側線ラインの長さ | 21 - 24 |
Pored lateral line scales | |
Scales in lateral series | |
側線ラインより上の規模 | 4 - 4 |
側線ラインより下の規模 | 2 - 2 |
側線(尾鰭付近)周囲の規模 | 12 - 12 |
ひげ | |
鰓(サメ/エイのみ) | |
鰓篩 | |
下部のヒレに | |
上部のヒレの上に | |
合計 | 17 - 24 |
脊つい | |
肛門前方の | |
合計 | 39 - 41 |
属性 | no striking attributes |
鰭の数 | 1 |
小離鰭の数 | Dorsal |
Ventral | |
脊椎の合計 | 4 - 4 |
全体の鰭 | 8 - 8 |
脂びれ | absent |
属性 | forked; more or less normal |
鰭の数 | 1 |
脊椎の合計 | 3 - 3 |
全体の鰭 | 5 - 5 |
胸の | 属性 more or less normal |
脊椎 | |
鰭 | |
骨盤の | 属性 more or less normal |
場所 abdominal before origin of D1 | |
脊椎 1 | |
鰭 8 - 8 |