References Used for Aphyocypris kikuchii
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35840 Nichols, J.T., 1943. The freshwater fishes of China. Natural history of Central Asia: Volume IX. The American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA, 322 p. 1943 Aphyocypris kikuchii 129
6898 Shao, K.-T. and P.L. Lim, 1991. Fishes of freshwater and estuary. Encyclopedia of field guide in Taiwan. Recreation Press, Co., Ltd., Taipei. vol. 31. 240 p. (in Chinese). 1991 Aphyocypris kikuchii 33
5193 Shen, S.C. (ed.), 1993. Fishes of Taiwan. Department of Zoology, National Taiwan University, Taipei. 960 p. 1993 Aphyocypris kikuchii 140
26282 Eschmeyer, W.N. (ed.), 1998. Catalog of fishes. Special Publication, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. 3 vols. 2905 p. 1998 Aphyocypris kikuchii -->
33782 Chen, Y.Y. and X. Chu, 1998. Danioninae. p. 19-61. In Chen, Y.-Y. and et al. (Eds). Fauna Sinica. Osteichthyes. Cypriniformes II. Science Press, Beijing, 531p. 1998 Aphyocypris kikuchii -->
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. 1999 Aphyocypris kikuchii -->
40116 Shao, K.T., L.Y. Hsieh, Y.Y. Wu and C.Y. Wu, 2001. Taxonomic and distributional database of fishes in Taiwan. p.73-76. In I.C. Liao and J. Baker (eds.) Aquaculture and fisheries resources management: Proceedings of the Joint Taiwan-Australia Aquaculture and Fisheries Resources and Management Forum. TFRI Conference Proceedings 4, 288 p. Keelung, Taiwan. 2001 Aphyocypris kikuchii -->
44416 Kottelat, M., 2001. Freshwater fishes of northern Vietnam. A preliminary check-list of the fishes known or expected to occur in northern Vietnam with comments on systematics and nomenclature. Environment and Social Development Unit, East Asia and Pacific Region. The World Bank. 123 p. 2001 Aphyocypris kikuchii 18
41414 Anonymous, 2002. Fish collection database of the American Museum of Natural History. American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West , NY 10024-5192, USA. 2002 Aphyocypris kikuchii -->
51055 Hanel, L. and J. Novák, 2002. České názvy zivočichů V. Ryby a ryboviti obratlovci (Pisces) 3., maloústí (Gonorhynchiformes) - máloostní (Cypriniformes). Národní muzeum (zoologické oddělení), Praha. 2002 Aphyocypris kikuchii -->
58108 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, 2003. Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. 2003 Aphyocypris kikuchii -->
51086 Varjo, M., L. Koli and H. Dahlström, 2004. Kalannimiluettelo (versio 10/03). Suomen Biologian Seura Vanamo Ry. 2004 Aphyocypris kikuchii -->
57879 Chinese Academy of Fishery Science (CAFS), 2007. Database of genetic resources of aquatic organisms in China (as of January 2007). Chinese Academy of Fishery Science. 2007 Aphyocypris kikuchii -->
105471 eElurikkus, 2015. eElurikkus koondab ühte portaali Eesti eluslooduse andmed. 2015 Aphyocypris kikuchii -->
128868 Beolens, B., M. Grayson and M. Watkins, 2023. Eponym dictionary of Fishes. Dunbeath, Caithness (Scotland, UK): Whittles Publishing Limited, 1300 p. 2023 Aphyocypris kikuchii 706
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