References Used for Bostockia porosa
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No. Fonte Bibliografica Descrizione Anno Name Used Page
5259 Allen, G.R., 1989. Freshwater fishes of Australia. T.F.H. Publications, Inc., Neptune City, New Jersey. 1989 Bostockia porosa -->
7300 Paxton, J.R., D.F. Hoese, G.R. Allen and J.E. Hanley, 1989. Pisces. Petromyzontidae to Carangidae. Zoological Catalogue of Australia, Vol. 7. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 665 p. 1989 Bostockia porosa 510
1830 Eschmeyer, W.N., 1990. Catalog of the genera of recent fishes. California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA. 697 p. 1990 Bostockia porosa -->
6994 Pen, L.J. and I.C. Potter, 1990. Biology of the nightfish, Bostockia porosa Castelnau, in a south-western Australian river. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 41(5):627-645. 1990 Bostockia porosa 627
1811 Pen, L.J. and I.C. Potter, 1991. Biology of the western pygmy perch, Edelia vittata, and comparisons with two other teleost species endemic to southwestern Australia. Environ. Biol. Fishes 31(4):365-380. 1991 Bostockia porosa 379
4517 Hureau, J.-C., 1991. La base de données GICIM: Gestion informatisée des collections ichthyologiques du Muséum. p. 225-227. In Atlas Préliminaire des Poissons d'Eau Douce de France. Conseil Supérieur de la Pêche, Ministère de l'Environnement, CEMAGREF et Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. 1991 Bostockia porosa -->
4537 Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott, 1991. World fishes important to North Americans. Exclusive of species from the continental waters of the United States and Canada. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. (21):243 p. 1991 Bostockia porosa 96
13381 Pen, L.J. and I.C. Potter, 1992. Seasonal and size-related changes in the diet of perch, Perca fluviatilis L., in the shallows of an Australian river, and their implications for the conservation of indigenous teleosts. Aquat. Conserv.:Mar. Freshwat. Ecosystem, 2(3):243-253. 1992 Bostockia porosa 243-253
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. 1999 Bostockia porosa -->
31982 Anonymous, 1999. Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). 1999 Bostockia porosa -->
35508 Anonymous, 2000. The icthyological collection of the Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH). Division of Ichthyology and Herpetology, Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH). 2000 Bostockia hemigramma -->
36670 Anonymous, 2000. Fish collection database of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa. 2000 Bostockia porosa -->
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Bostockia porosa -->
41414 Anonymous, 2002. Fish collection database of the American Museum of Natural History. American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West , NY 10024-5192, USA. 2002 Bostockia porosa -->
44894 Allen, G.R., S.H. Midgley and M. Allen, 2002. Field guide to the freshwater fishes of Australia. Western Australian Museum, Perth, Western Australia. 394 p. 2002 Bostockia porosa 193
48666 Native Fish Australia, 2003. A taxonomic summary of Australian freshwater fish. Retrieved 10 Sept. 03, from 8 p. Last updated 1 January 2001. 2003 Bostockia porosa -->
51471 Carl, H., 2003. Danish fish names. Zoological Museum of Copenhagen. Unpublished. 2003 Bostockia porosa -->
58108 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, 2003. Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. 2003 Bostockia porosa -->
75154 Hoese, D.F., D.J. Bray, J.R. Paxton and G.R. Allen, 2006. Fishes. In Beasley, O.L. and A. Wells (eds.) Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Volume 35 Australia: ABRS & CSIRO Publishing, 2178 p. 2006 Bostockia porosa 1039
75549 FAO-FIES, 2008. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, 29 April 2008. 2008 Bostockia porosa -->
83882 FAO-FIES, 2010. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2010. 2010 Bostockia porosa -->
90062 FAO-FIES, 2012. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2012. 2012 Bostockia porosa -->
93277 Morgan, D.L., S.J. Beatty and M. Adams, 2013. Nannoperca pygmaea, a new species of pygmy perch (Teleostei: Percichthyidae). Zootaxa 3637(4):401-411. 2013 Bostockia porosa 402
95632 FAO-FIES, 2014. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, April 2014. 2014 Bostockia porosa -->
101110 FAO-FIES, 2015. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, [accessed 13/04/2015]. 2015 Bostockia porosa -->
115257 FAO-FIES, 2017. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from (accessed 08/06/2017). 2017 Bostockia porosa -->
118272 FAO-FIES, 2018. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from htttps:// [accessed May, 2018] 2018 Bostockia porosa -->
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