References Used for Pomacanthus asfur
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4858 Allen, G.R., 1985. Butterfly and angelfishes of the world. Vol. 2. 3rd edit. in English. Mergus Publishers, Melle, Germany. 1985 Pomacanthus asfur 302-303
4517 Hureau, J.-C., 1991. La base de données GICIM: Gestion informatisée des collections ichthyologiques du Muséum. p. 225-227. In Atlas Préliminaire des Poissons d'Eau Douce de France. Conseil Supérieur de la Pêche, Ministère de l'Environnement, CEMAGREF et Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. 1991 Pomacanthus asfur -->
4537 Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott, 1991. World fishes important to North Americans. Exclusive of species from the continental waters of the United States and Canada. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. (21):243 p. 1991 Pomacanthus asfur 127
9137 Masuda, H. and G.R. Allen, 1993. Meeresfische der Welt - Groß-Indopazifische Region. Tetra Verlag, Herrenteich, Melle. 528 p. 1993 Pomacanthus asfur 262
9710 Lieske, E. and R. Myers, 1994. Collins Pocket Guide. Coral reef fishes. Indo-Pacific & Caribbean including the Red Sea. Haper Collins Publishers, 400 p. 1994 Pomacanthus asfur 73.2
12541 Goren, M. and M. Dor, 1994. An updated checklist of the fishes of the Red Sea (CLOFRES II). The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem, Israel. 120 p. 1994 Arusetta asfur 48
11441 Randall, J.E., 1995. Coastal fishes of Oman. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 439 p. 1995 Pomacanthus asfur 254;fig.670
30573 Sommer, C., W. Schneider and J.-M. Poutiers, 1996. FAO species identification field guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of Somalia. FAO, Rome. 376 p. 1996 Pomacanthus asfur 268
28618 Randall, J.E., 1997. Randall's tank photos. Collection of 10,000 large-format photos (slides) of dead fishes. Unpublished. 1997 Pomacanthus asfur -->
28620 Randall, J.E., 1997. Randall's underwater photos. Collection of almost 2,000 underwater photos (slides). Unpublished. 1997 Pomacanthus asfur -->
26282 Eschmeyer, W.N. (ed.), 1998. Catalog of fishes. Special Publication, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. 3 vols. 2905 p. 1998 Chaetodon asfur -->
47838 Allen, G.R., R. Steene and M. Allen, 1998. A guide to angelfishes and butterflyfishes. Odyssey Publishing/Tropical Reef Research. 250 p. 1998 Pomacanthus asfur 83
35508 Anonymous, 2000. The icthyological collection of the Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH). Division of Ichthyology and Herpetology, Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH). 2000 Pomacanthus asfur -->
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Pomacanthus asfur -->
48497 Hardy, J.D. Jr. (comp.), 2003. Coral reef fish species. NOAA\National Oceanographic Data Center. NODC Coral Reef Data and Information Management System. USA. 537 p. 2003 Arusetta asfur 272
51015 Garpe, K.C. and M.C. Öhman, 2003. Coral and fish distribution patterns in Mafia Island Marine Park, Tanzania: fish-habitat interactions. Hydrobiologia 498:191-211. 2003 Pomacanthus asfur 211
51471 Carl, H., 2003. Danish fish names. Zoological Museum of Copenhagen. Unpublished. 2003 Pomacanthus asfur -->
74657 Bartley, D.M. (comp./ed.), 2006. DIAS. Introduced species in fisheries and aquaculture: information for responsible use and control (CD-ROM). Rome, FAO. 2006 Pomacanthus asfur -->
81519 Taquet, M. and A. Diringer, 2007. Poissons de l'Océan Indien et de la mer Rouge. Versailles (France): Éditions Quæ. 527 p. 2007 Pomacanthus asfur 304
75549 FAO-FIES, 2008. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, 29 April 2008. 2008 Pomacanthus asfur -->
83882 FAO-FIES, 2010. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2010. 2010 Pomacanthus asfur -->
84159 Golani, D. and S. V. Bogorodsky, 2010. The fishes of the Red Sea - reappraisal and updated checklist. Zootaxa 2463:1-135. 2010 Pomacanthus asfur 37
87788 Moldzio, S., 2011. Checklist of species from Marsa Shagra, Egypt. Personal Communication. Provided Excel file and photos. 2011 Pomacanthus asfur -->
90062 FAO-FIES, 2012. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2012. 2012 Pomacanthus asfur -->
95632 FAO-FIES, 2014. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, April 2014. 2014 Pomacanthus asfur -->
101110 FAO-FIES, 2015. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, [accessed 13/04/2015]. 2015 Pomacanthus asfur -->
105471 eElurikkus, 2015. eElurikkus koondab ühte portaali Eesti eluslooduse andmed. 2015 Pomacanthus asfur -->
105574 Termeki on Eesti Keele Instituudi, 2015. Termeki on Eesti Keele Instituudi. 2015 Pomacanthus asfur -->
115257 FAO-FIES, 2017. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from (accessed 08/06/2017). 2017 Pomacanthus asfur -->
130621 Meerwasser-Lexikon Team, 2017. Pomacanthus asfur. (accessed 24/01/2024). 2017 Pomacanthus asfur -->
118272 FAO-FIES, 2018. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from htttps:// [accessed May, 2018] 2018 Pomacanthus asfur -->
100374 Roberts, M.B., G.P. Jones, M.I. McCormick, P.L. Munday, S. Neale, S. Thorold, V.S.N. Robitzch and M.L. Berumen, 2050. Homogeneity of coral reef communities across 8 degrees of latitude in the Saudi Arabian Red Sea. Unpublished. 2050 Pomacanthus asfur -->
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