Fishes Used by Humans (based on FishBase 06/2024)
  Species Families  Remarks
n % n %
Extant fishes 35,729 100.0 624 100.0
Used in fisheries 7,152 20.0 448 71.8  Industrial and artisanal fisheries.
Used in Aquaculture 361 1.0 96 15.4  Commercially used for aquaculture, either for food or stock enhancement.
Used as bait 205 0.6 61 9.8  Used as bait fishes.
In ornamental trade 3,238 9.1 217 34.8  Commercial aquarium species.
     marine 1,324
     freshwater 1,914
     mainly bred 709
Used as sport fish 1,140 3.2 210 33.7  Game fishes.
Total used by humans 7,918 22.2 461 73.9  Used in fisheries, aquaculture, as bait, ornamental, or game fish.

Fishes Affected by Humans

  Extinct 92 0.3 25 4.0  Extinct fishes in IUCN Red List (see categories at the page bottom).
  Threatened 3,657 10.2 263 42.1  Threatened fishes in IUCN Red List (see categories at the page bottom).
  Introduced 931 2.6 198 31.7  Transferred to and established in another country

Fishes Affecting Humans

  Dangerous 1,059 3.0 152 24.4  Poisonous, venomous, traumatogenic, pests, etc.

Note: The above numbers are based on the reported use of fishes, i.e., each record has a reference. The number for Fisheries is underestimated because many species that are important in artisanal fisheries are not reported in the literature. The same is true for bait fishes.
Number of fishes in FishBase as of 06/2024
n % Remarks
Species 35,729
Freshwater 17,141 48.0  includes freshwater and brackish, and freshwater only
Marine 17,819 49.9  includes marine only, marine and brackish, and brackish only
Diadromous 769 2.2

By Class

Class Common Name n Click to see the number of species per Class, Order and Family.
  Myxini Hagfishes 89
  Petromyzonti Lampreys 48
  Elasmobranchii Sharks and rays 1,283
  Holocephali Chimaeras 56
  Cladistii Bichirs 14
  Chondrostei Sturgeons 27
  Holostei Gars and bowfins 8
  Teleostei Teleosts 34,196
  Coelacanthi Lobe-finned fishes 2
  Dipneusti Lungfishes 6