Family Trygonorrhinidae - Banjo rays, Fiddler rays | ||||
Order | : | Rhinopristiformes |
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Class | : | Elasmobranchii | ||
No. in FishBase | : | Genera : 3 | Species : 8 Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes | ||
Environment | : | Fresh : No | Brackish : Yes | Marine : Yes | ||
Division | : | |||
Aquarium | : | |||
First Fossil Record | : | |||
Remark | : | Distribution: bottom dwellers, rest on soft and hard substrates, seagrasses. Climate zone: temperate and tropical seas Habitat: all marine; primarily inshore on continental shelves to ca. 220 m depth Description: Small to large guitarfishes (with adults reaching 1.5 m TL) with a broad suboval (Trygonorrhina, Zapteryx) or wedge-shaped disc (Aptychotrema) and depressed trunk that is relatively narrow: snout very long and pointed or relatively short and broadly rounded; eyes and spiracles are small to medium-sized; spiracle with one well developed fold (Trygonorrhina) or single fold weak or absent (Aptychotrema, Zapteryx); nostrils is short and almost horizontal (rather than oblique); anterior nasal flaps are variably developed, long based, bilobed and inserted into internasal space beside innermost corner of posterior aperture or forming a nasal curtain (Trygonorrhina); mouth almost straight to strongly arched; skin with fine to very coarse denticles, with medium-sized to very large thorns in row along midline of body, usually with smaller patches near eyes and on shoulders; tail not especially robust, depressed, with well-developed lateral skin folds extending along its ventrolateral margin; folds are almost united on caudal-fin base immediately posterior to origin of ventral lobe of caudal fin; pelvic fins are short- to long-based, positioned laterally behind disc; dorsal fins 2 and well separated, first well to slightly behind rear tips of pelvic fins; small caudal fin , lacking an extended ventral lobe. Coloration often strong, with lines, bars, spots and blotches on dorsal surface; edges of cranium and rostral cartilage not sharply demarcated with snout; the ventral surface mainly white, black blotches are sometimes present on snout and posterior disc (Ref. 108568). Reproduction: Viviparous (aplacental) giving large litters of up to 18 pups. Diet: Feeds mainly on small benthic invertebrates and fishes. Fishery: not routinely caught for the fin trade, the flesh of some species are of good quality; usually caught as bycatchof trawl and set-net. | ||
Etymology | : | |||
Reproductive guild | : | |||
Typical activity level | : | |||
Main Ref.![]() |
: | Last, P.R., W.T. White, M.R. de Carvalho, B. Séret, M.F.W. Stehmann and G.J.P. Naylor 2016 | ||
Coordinator | : | |||
Deep Fin Classification
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Important recommendation:
The list below must not be used as an authority reference synonymy list like those found in scientific published revisions, which must be the source to be used and cited eventually when they exist.
Rather, it reflects the current content of FishBase, and the progress with respect to synchronization with the Catalog of Fishes. However, we think it can be useful for users to assess the quality of information in FishBase, to start new work on the family, or to cross-check with other lists.
But we appreciate to be cited in publications when this list has been of any working value. In particular, for published scientific, we suggest then to cite it in the Material and Method section as a useful tool to conduct the research, but again, not as a taxonomic or nomenclatural authority reference.
Unless it is explicitly precised, the list is not complete, please search all original names published for the family in the Catalog of Fishes (genera, species), including those with uncertain or unknown status, that are not included in FishBase when they are not attached to a valid species.
This list uses some data from Catalog of Fishes (not shown but used to sort names).
The list ordered as follows:
Please send comments and corrections if you detect errors or missing names.
Scientifc name | Status | Senior/Junior synonym | Combination |
Trygonorrhina fasciata Müller & Henle, 1841 | accepted | senior | original |
Trygonorrhina sp. A Not applicable | synonym | other | other |
! Trygonorhina fasciata Müller & Henle, 1841 | synonym | senior | original |
Trygonorhina guaneria (non Whitley, 1932) | misapplied | misapplied | change in rank |
Trygonorrhina guaneria (non Whitley, 1932) | misapplied | misapplied | change in rank |
! Trygonorhina guanerius (non Whitley, 1932) | misapplied | misapplied | change in rank |
! Trygonorrhina guanerius (non Whitley, 1932) | misapplied | misapplied | change in rank |
Trygonorrhina dumerilii (Castelnau, 1873) | accepted | senior | new |
Rhinobatus dumerilii Castelnau, 1873 | synonym | senior | original |
Trygonorrhina fasciata guanerius Whitley, 1932 | synonym | junior | change in species |
Trygonorrhina guaneria Whitley, 1932 | synonym | junior | change in rank |
Trygonorrhina melaleuca Scott, 1954 | synonym | junior | original |
Trygonorrhina fasciata (non Müller & Henle, 1841) | misapplied | misapplied | original |
Zapteryx exasperata (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880) | accepted | senior | new |
Platyrhina exasperata Jordan & Gilbert, 1880 | synonym | senior | original |
Trigonorhina alveata Garman, 1880 | synonym | junior | original |
Zapteryx brevirostris (Müller & Henle, 1841) | accepted | senior | new |
! Rhinobatus brevirostris Müller & Henle, 1841 | synonym | senior | original |
Rhinobatos brevirostris Müller & Henle, 1841 | synonym | senior | original |
Syrrhina brevirostris (Müller & Henle, 1841) | synonym | senior | new |
Zapteryx xyster Jordan & Evermann, 1896 | accepted | senior | original |
Aptychotrema rostrata (Shaw, 1794) | accepted | senior | new |
Raja rostrata Shaw, 1794 | synonym | senior | original |
Rhinobatus bougainvillii Müller & Henle, 1841 | synonym | junior | original |
Aptychotrema bougainvillii (Müller & Henle, 1841) | synonym | junior | new |
Aptychotrema banksii (Müller & Henle, 1841) | synonym | junior | new |
Rhinobatus banksii Müller & Henle, 1841 | synonym | junior | original |
Rhinobatus tuberculatus Macleay, 1882 | synonym | junior | original |
Aptychotrema vincentiana (Haacke, 1885) | accepted | senior | new |
! Rhinobates vincentianus Haacke, 1885 | synonym | senior | original |
Rhinobatus vincentianus Haacke, 1885 | synonym | senior | original |
Aptychotrema timorensis Last, 2004 | accepted | senior | original |
Aptychotrema sp. Not applicable | synonym | other | other |
Aptychotrema sp. 2 Not applicable | synonym | other | other |
Aptychotrema sp. A Not applicable | synonym | other | other |