Klassifizierung / Names
Namen | Synonyme | Catalog of Fishes(Gattung, Arten) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa
Cypriniformes (Carps) >
Danionidae (Danios) > Danioninae
Etymology: Danio: From ‘dhani’, local Bengali/Bangla name for small minnows (Ref. 2031); assamila: Derived from the area of occurrence (Assam) and the ending in dangila, to be understood as ‘the Danio dangila of Assam’.
Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range
; süßwasser benthopelagisch. Tropical
Asia: Brahmaputra River drainage in India.
Size / Gewicht / Alter
Maturity: Lm ? range ? - ? cm
Max length : 6.8 cm SL Männchen/unbestimmt; (Ref. 101154)
Bestimmungsschlüssel | Morphologie | Morphometrie
Rückenflossenweichstrahlen (insgesamt) : 11 - 12; Afterflossenweichstrahlen: 15 - 18; Wirbelzahl: 35 - 36. Danio assamila is distinguished from all congeners except D. dangila, D. catenatus, D. concatenatus, and D. sysphigmatus by produced first ray in pectoral and pelvic fins, large cleithral spot, and pattern of dark rings enclosing light interspaces on the side. It differs from these species by having round or slightly oval cleithral spot (vs. vertically extended in D. dangila), anterior interstripe Ia usually present (vs. absent in D. dangila), rings in series along side elongate, width of dark perimeter of about same width as diameter of light centre or wider (vs. elongate, with narrower perimeter in D. sysphigmatus, round in other species), ring pattern not extending onto caudal peduncle (vs. present on part of caudal peduncle in D. dangila, D. catenatus and D. concatenatus), and 32-34, rarely 36, scales on lateral line (vs. 35-38 in D. sysphigmatus) (Ref. 101154).
Life cycle and mating behavior
Geschlechtsreife | Fortpflanzung | Ablaichen | Eier | Fecundity | Larven
Kullander, S.O., 2015. Taxonomy of chain Danio, an Indo-Myanmar species assemblage, with description of four new species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwat. 25(4):357-380. (Ref. 101154)
IUCN Rote Liste Status (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)
Bedrohung für Menschen
Nutzung durch Menschen
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