
Sarotherodon melanotheron122.50.18

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Sarpa salpaSalema333.40.06

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Saurida tumbilGreater lizardfish333.80.49

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Saurida undosquamisBrushtooth lizardfish333.80.49

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Saxidomus giganteusButter clam562.10.13

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Scatophagus sppScats333.50.26

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Sciaena sppDrums333.50.26

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Sciaena umbraBrown meagre333.50.26

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SciaenidaeCroakers, drums nei333.30.21

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Sciaenops ocellatusRed drum333.40.06

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Scolopsis sppMonocle breams333.50.26

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Scomber australasicusBlue mackerel373.30.28

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Scomber japonicusChub mackerel373.30.31

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Scomber scombrusAtlantic mackerel373.70.53

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ScomberesocidaeSauries, nei343.80.13

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Scomberesox saurusAtlantic saury343.80.13

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Scomberomorus brasiliensisSerra Spanish mackerel3640.12

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

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