
Sparus(=Pagrus)sppPargo breams, nei333.30.72

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Sphoeroides maculatusNorthern puffer333.50.26

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Sphoeroides sppAtlantic puffers333.50.26

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Sphyraena afra (piscatorum)Guinean barracuda343.30.28

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Sphyraena sppBarracudas344.50.48

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Sphyrna lewiniScalloped hammerhead383.60.24

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Sphyrna zygaenaSmooth hammerhead383.60.24

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Spisula polynymaStimpson's surf clam562.10.13

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Spratelloides gracilisSilver-stripe round herring352.80.27

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Sprattus fuegensisFalkland sprat352.80.27

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