
Macrozoarces americanusOcean pout333.40.06

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Macruronus magellanicusPatagonian grenadier323.80.25

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Macruronus novaezelandiaeBlue grenadier323.80.25

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Macruronus sppBlue grenadiers323.80.25

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Mactra glabrataSmooth mactra562.10.13

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Mactra sachalinensisHen clam562.10.13

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Mactra veneriformisGlobose clam562.10.13

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

MactridaeMactra surf clams562.10.13

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Maja squinadoSpinous spider crab422.30.24

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Makaira indicaBlack marlin364.20.31

Christensen, V.. 1991. On ECOPATH, Fishbyte, and fisheries management. Fishbyte 9(2):62-66.

Makaira mazaraIndo-Pacific blue marlin364.20.31

Christensen, V.. 1991. On ECOPATH, Fishbyte, and fisheries management. Fishbyte 9(2):62-66.

Makaira nigricansAtlantic blue marlin364.20.31

Christensen, V.. 1991. On ECOPATH, Fishbyte, and fisheries management. Fishbyte 9(2):62-66.

Malaclemys sppTerrapins722.60.68

Degnbol, P.. 1993. The pelagic zone of Central Lake Malawi - a trophic box model. p. 110-115. In D. Pauly and V.

Christensen (eds.) Trophic models of aquatic ecosystems. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 26.

Mallotus villosusCapelin343.30.22

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

MammaliaAquatic mammals nei643.50.43

Pauly, D., A. Trites, E. Capuli and V. Christensen. 1995. Diet composition and trophic levels of marine mammals. Paper

presented at the Annual Science Conference of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Aalborg, Denmark,

21-29 Septembe

Martialia hyadesiSevenstar flying squid573.20.14

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Maurolicus muelleriSilvery lightfish333.40.06

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Maurolicus sppLightfishes, nei333.40.06

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Megalaspis cordylaTorpedo scad343.80.39

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1993. Stratified models of large marine ecosystems: a general approach, and an application

to the South China Sea. p. 148-174. In K. Sherman, L.M. Alexander and B.D. Gold (eds.) Stress, Mitigation and

Sustainability of Large

Megalobrama amblycephalaWuchang bream112.70.34

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Megalops cyprinoidesIndo-Pacific tarpon3530.15

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

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