
Meganyctiphanes norvegicaNorwegian krill462.20.4

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Megaptera novaeangliaeHumpback whale613.60.49

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Melanogrammus aeglefinusHaddock323.50.47

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Mene maculataMoonfish333.40.45

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Menidia menidiaAtlantic silverside342.80.71

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Menippe mercenariaBlack stone crab422.60.3

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Menticirrhus americanusSouthern kingcroaker333.40.06

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Menticirrhus littoralisGulf kingcroaker333.40.06

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Menticirrhus saxatilisNorthern kingfish333.40.06

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Menticirrhus sppKingcroakers nei333.40.06

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Mercenaria mercenariaNorthern quahog(=Hard clam)562.10.13

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Meretrix lusoriaJapanese hard clam562.10.13

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Meretrix sppHard clams562.10.13

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Merlangius merlangusWhiting3240.48

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Merlangius merlangus euxinusBlack sea whiting323.80.25

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MerlucciidaeMerluccid hakes323.80.25

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Merluccius albidusOffshore silver hake323.80.25

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Merluccius australisSouthern hake323.80.25

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Merluccius bilinearisSilver hake323.80.25

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Merluccius capensisShallow-water Cape hake323.40.42

Jarre-Teichmann, A. and V. Christensen. 1997. Trophic flow patterns in large upwelling ecosystems. ICLARM Studies and

Reviews 24.

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