Blenniiformes (Blennies) >
Chaenopsidae (Pike-, tube- and flagblennies)
Etymology: Acanthemblemaria: Greek, akantha = thorn + Greek, emblema, -atos, anything that is nailed, knocked in; also anything with bass or high relief (Ref. 45335).
Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range
морской ассоциированный с рифами. Subtropical; 20°N - 10°N, 90°W - 58°W (Ref. 56264)
Western Atlantic: southeastern Florida (USA), Bahamas, and Yucatan, Mexico to the Greater Antilles and Panama. Antilles and western Caribbean (Ref. 26938).
Size / Вес / Возраст
Maturity: Lm ?  range ? - ? cm
Max length : 4.0 cm TL самец/пол неопределен; (Ref. 7251)
Almost always found in holes of corals. Feed on amphipods and copepods (Ref. 5521). Main diet of benthic harpacticoid copepods (Ref. 94105). Oviparous (Ref. 56066). Eggs are attached to the walls of the parent's shelter and are brooded by the male parent (Ref. 56066).
Life cycle and mating behavior
половая зрелость | размножение | нерест | икра | Fecundity | личинки
Oviparous (Ref. 56066). Males guard the eggs until they hatch (Ref. 56065).
Robins, C.R. and G.C. Ray, 1986. A field guide to Atlantic coast fishes of North America. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, U.S.A. 354 p. (Ref. 7251)
Статус Красного Списка МСОП (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)
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Estimates based on models
Preferred temperature (Ref.
123201): 27.3 - 28.2, mean 27.9 °C (based on 226 cells).
Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref.
82804): PD
50 = 0.5000 [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.00389 (0.00180 - 0.00842), b=3.12 (2.94 - 3.30), in cm total length, based on all LWR estimates for this body shape (Ref.
Trophic level (Ref.
69278): 3.1 ±0.32 se; based on food items.
устойчивость к внешним воздействиям (Ref.
120179): средний (среднего размера), минимальное время удвоения популяции 1.4-4.4 года (tmax=4).
Fishing Vulnerability (Ref.
59153): Low vulnerability (10 of 100).
Nutrients (Ref.
124155): Calcium = 141 [49, 308] mg/100g; Iron = 0.856 [0.424, 1.742] mg/100g; Protein = 18.7 [17.4, 19.9] %; Omega3 = 0.164 [0.075, 0.342] g/100g; Selenium = 7.84 [2.82, 21.43] μg/100g; VitaminA = 172 [42, 704] μg/100g; Zinc = 1.86 [1.03, 3.10] mg/100g (wet weight);